Experience sharing on how to scale your business, grow your team & plan your life.
Is it Time to Say Goodbye?
We’ve all heard this quote. And many of us have lived by these words. Michael Jordan once said, “If you quit once it becomes a habit, never quit.”
Business Lessons for Life
Are you feeling stuck in your personal or professional life? Burnt out, unsure of your next steps, and craving more meaning?
Wish you could fall back in love with work?
Wish you could fall back in love with work?
Famous writer and poet Kahlil Gibran once said, “Work is love made visible.” Does that feel like a distant concept to you? Have you lost that lovin’ feeling? If so, you are not alone. Gallup reports that only 32% of workers say they are engaged. That means two-thirds of us are just working for the weekend. Bummer. That’s a lot of hours just phoning it in. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to sacrifice that much of my life just for the almighty dollar…
Do You Have A Vision For Your Life?
We often think of life as linear, with fixed mile markers setting our pace for the long run: Get your degree. Land the job. Find a partner. Grow your family. Build the career. Maybe even complete an IronMan or two in between. Then, over time, your relationships flex, the kids move out, and your business marches on. Where to next? If you’re straining to see where your next mile marker hits, you’re far from alone.
One Thing I'm Taking with Me from 2020
Creating a more equitable workplace requires acute intentionality, and the willingness to do so is growing. Like me and several of my clients, you may also be at a crossroads and asking, “Where do I go next on this journey? How do I help the people around me get further down the road, too?”
3 Questions to Make 2020 Your Best Year Yet!
Albert Einstein reportedly said that insanity was to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results. As 2019 is quickly coming to a close, how did you like 2019’s results? If 2019 was successful, will the same approach work in 2020 to achieve even better results?