Experience sharing on how to scale your business, grow your team & plan your life.
When The Wheels Come Off Your Leadership Team
Part way during facilitating a full day session with a client the meeting went from great to tense really fast. Some of the team’s deep-seated dysfunctional ways of operating came to a head. The vibe in the room tanked. People didn’t want to be there. Tensions and emotions ran high. Though we finished the session, the team was visibly shaken by the end of the day – the wheels had come off the team.
Crush Your Rocks Every Quarter!
In our personal and professional lives good is the enemy of great. We let good things crowd out great things. We settle for good, and forego great. Many of the entrepreneurial leadership teams I work with are initially in this category of settling for ‘good’ results as opposed to actually achieving ‘great’ results. The vortex of their day-to-day activities has blinded them from being able to prioritize the most important activities that would take their business from good to great. Yes, you have to get your day-to-day activities done – it’s your job – but to truly move the needle for the company, everyone has to become expert Rock crushers!
Stop Circling The Airport of Never-ending Theoretical Ideas!
While great leaders look outside their organizations to learn from the mistakes and best practices of others, there is a danger in endlessly searching for that elusive ‘magic bullet’ they feel is missing from their company.